Bishop Albert Harrison Receives New PA to Replace Stolen System

After the pandemic brought nearly all live performances to a halt, Bishop Albert Harrison felt even more discouraged when he found his PA system was stolen. For Harrison, ministry and music are synonymous, and without proper equipment, it is difficult to accomplish either.
Bishop Harrison has been traveling and singing gospel music solo since the 1980s. When he was in the hospital in 2006, he took stock of his life and decided resolutely to start a group — the Gospel Tones. Harrison and his band sing in the “old jubilee style.”
With the help of our supporters, Music Maker was able to provide a brand new PA system to Bishop Harrison and his band. This grant included five microphones, with stands and cords, and two six-foot speakers.
“Most of our stuff got stolen during COVID, and things slowed down on me,” Harrison says. “Now we can go back to traveling. I’m excited because it means I can get back to what I was doing with it. It’s just a blessing from God. Whatever you need, God’s got it. Whatever you need help with, if possible, Music Maker will help you out.”
On July 31st, Bishop Harrison and The Gospel Tones will perform at a Singing Anniversary in his Ahoskie, North Carolina hometown. Without the new system, he believes that milestone performance would not be possible.
“I give credit to God for my blessings from Music Maker to help me get ready to do my concert with quality material — the PA system with speakers and the stands. And I’m gonna watch this equipment like a watchdog,” he continues. “I want to thank Music Maker with my whole heart; I’m back on the road again now.”

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